April 2024
Apr 01, 2024- Slava Akhmechet - Headline driven development
- Nícolas Prado - vCard + RSS as an alternative to social media
- 🔥 Redict - independent fork of Redis
- Matheus Portela - Double entry bookkeeping as a directed graph
- Huon Wilson - QR Code encoding using base10
- SpiceWorks - Log titles of open windows
- - Do I need a license to buy/sell firearms? (PDF)
- Ana Nunes da Silva - Pagination in Rails w/o Gems
- Learn - Project management in Dynamics 365
- Simon Willison - AI for data journalism
- Only Spans
- GitHub - EasyFrontEnd Tailwind CSS components
- Redka - Redis re-implemented with SQLite
- Valkey - Another fork of Redis
- Cory Doctorow - The shitty technology adoption curve
- DHH - Linux setup script
- Passkeys: A shattered dream (It’s Google’s fault)
- Increase - Enterprise grade banking API’s
- Rubenerd - Alpine Linux review
- Vicki Boykis - How I search in 2024 (Kagi and Marginalia)
- Infisical - Open source secrets manager
- MusicFor - Music for programming
- Fallout 4 character build sheet