October 2022
Oct 01, 2022- The universe is not locally real
- Data.rss - RSS search
- Dandelion API - semantic text analysis
- Penpot - Opensource prototyping tool
- - Build cross-platform apps with Tauri
- @wrede - Blue green deployment
- Railway - Ruby app hosting platform
- showRSS - Track TV shows by RSS feed
- Learn DMaRC
- Franken PHP
- Anna’s Blog - Pirate Library Mirror
- MinTOTP - minimal TOTP generator (python)
- Reverse image search using perceptual hashes
- Basecamp is leaving the Cloud
- HTTP Crash Course
- Opensource subscription billing and payment platform
Opensource Code Sandbox
Agreper - Minimal, Javascript Free Forum Software
SQLite CSV Import
sqlite3 data.db <<EOS
.mode csv
.import school.csv schools
.import state.csv states