July 2022
Jul 01, 2022- Sourcehut - Open source GitHub alternative
- Gotenberg - Self hosted PDF conversion service
- Prawn - Ruby library for building PDFs
- OCRmyPDF - add a text layer to PDF documents
- Z-Library - 7TB dump of ebooks
- Bun - super fast Javascript runtime
- MacintoshPi - Rasberry Pi project to run Mac OS 9
- Boring Rails - blog covering RoR technology
- Hybrid iOS apps with Turbo
- Star Wars scene transitions using CSS
- Reverse job board for Rails developers
- EnterpriseReady - guidlines for building enterprise SaaS applications
- FizzBuzz
- Guest WiFi using a QR code
- Transfer a call in Microsoft Teams
- Publishing your work increases your luck
- VeraCrypt - open source full disk encryption tool (TrueCrypt replacement)
- Human Eyes Only - obfuscate PDF text data
- Flanerie - the art of wandering aimlessly
- Pocketbase - open source backend in 1 file (Go)
- OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) (open source web application scanner)
- Madden NFL player rankings (fantasy football)
- LiteTree: SQLite with branches
- Total Real Returns - CPI-U inflation-adjusted with dividends reinvested
- Integrating OmniAuth with Sinatra
You don’t need Passenger to deploy Ruby applications
- DigitalOcean - Apache reverse proxy guide
- DigitalOcean - RoR, Nginx, and Puma guide
- StackOverflow - Rails/Puma with Apache HTTPD
<VirtualHost *:3008>
DocumentRoot MY_RAILS_ROOT/public
ProxyPass /favicon.ico !
ProxyPass /robots.txt !
ProxyPassMatch ^/(404|422|500).html$ !
ProxyPass /assets/ !
ProxyPass / # Puma bind address
ProxyPassReverse /
Dangerous way to alter PostgreSQL column size: modify pg_attribute table.
UPDATE pg_attribute SET atttypmod = 20+4
WHERE attrelid IN ('foo'::regclass, 'voo'::regclass)
AND attname = 'names';
PostgreSQL View Fun
SELECT schemaname, viewname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_views
WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
ORDER BY schemaname, viewname;