April 2022
Apr 01, 2022- I would like to be paid like a plumber (Letters of Note)
- Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics (Stephen Worlfram)
- Markov Chains for programmers
- Open BB Terminal
- Adminer - PHP database manager
- Forgotten HTML attributes (Smashing Magazine)
- Swapping two numbers without using temporary variables
- Darknet Diaries (Podcast series)
- Elgato USB-C Thunderbolt Hub
- Become a Power BI data analyst
- Ruby Office 365 Graph API gem
- Stack Overflow Python clone
- freeCodeCamp() - Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures
- BarraOne API
- Windows 10 ISO stripped of spyware
- Rotary dial cellphone kit
- Tabler - open source vector icons