April 2018
Apr 01, 2018- Web Application Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet JDowio
- Hacking a 30 IoT camera to do more than its worth
- GitHub - tabler tabler Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap 4
- tablergithubio - a responsive flat and full featured admin template
- Build A Blog With Jekyll And GitHub Pages Smashing Magazine
- GitHub - jekyll jekyll-gist Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll sites
- Jekyll Liquid Cheatsheet GitHub
- GitHub - barryclark jekyll-now Build a Jekyll blog in minutes without touching the command line
- SnoRidge Crossfit on Instagram Squat Clean Touch Go 2-2-2 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set Rest as needed between sets Use mats crossfit squatclean
- JoeCode JoeCode Code with distinct characteristics traceable to its author
- theme-machine readmemd at master HackerThemes theme-machine GitHub
- Facebook Container for Firefox Prevent Facebook from seeing what websites you visit
- Mailtrain Self Hosted Newsletter App
- My Favorite PostgreSQL Queries and Why They Matter Severalnines
- DIY Coffee Table Using One Sheet of Plywood Woodworking - YouTube
- Eigengrau - Wikipedia
- Trade in with Apple GiveBack - Apple
- Turning 8-Track Player Into A Walkman Hackaday
- 68 Ford F250 Camper Special JoeCode
- 21 Books You Dont Have to Read GQ
- The Best Electric Skateboard Reviews by Wirecutter A New York Times Company
- Tiny Endian
- Farewell MaxMind Geolocating requests with Google Load Balancer for free
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is for Hackers - Dr Jocelyn Sze Dr Jocelyn Sze
- CSS Blocks
- Das Bityard
- Cant remove unknown login items - Apple Community
- Swift Education
- How to tie a tie
- Vehicle API