December 2013
Dec 01, 2013- Field Gulls a Seattle Seahawks community
- Bower search
- CMS Trap by Maxim Chernyak
- GitHub - tuupola jquerylazyload Vanilla JavaScript plugin for lazyloading images
- npm
- soap-cookie - npm
- soap - npm
- Sprite Cow - Generate CSS for sprite sheets
- Vanilla JavaScript Lazy Load Plugin
- Dont ever let life pass you by
- cheerio - npm
- GitHub - cheeriojs cheerio Fast flexible and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server
- GitHub - goto100 xpath DOM 3 Xpath implemention and helper for nodejs
- GitHub - libxmljs libxmljs libxml bindings for v8 javascript engine
- GitHub - nfarina xmldoc A lightweight XML Document class for JavaScript
- libxmljs - npm
- xmldoc - npm
- xpath - npm
- GitHub - twitter hoganjs A compiler for the Mustache templating language
- GitHub - xem miniCodeEditor A mini HTML CSS JS code editor
- Hoganjs
- mustache5 - Logic-less templates
- Simplifiers and Optimizers by Dilbert creator Scott Adams Boing Boing
- 60fps scrolling using pointer-events none Ryan Seddon
- Edmunds Developer Portal - Edmunds Developer Network - Welcome to the Edmunds API
- GitHub - gottfrois dashing-rails The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework for Rails
- GitHub - jprichardson stringjs Extra JavaScript string methods
- Sickweather
- Citation Needed blarg
- Dilbert Comic Strip on 1996-01-13 Dilbert by Scott Adams
- GitHub - fogleman Craft A simple Minecraft clone written in C using modern OpenGL shaders
- GitHub - kanwei algorithms Ruby algorithms and data structures C extensions
- GitHub - peterkeen trading A toy trading engine that only supports BUY and SELL limit orders
- Simulating a Market in Ruby Pete Keen
- Pricing - Heap Mobile and Web Analytics
- Do more with Location - IFTTT
- GitHub - BBC-News Imagerjs Responsive images while we wait for srcset to finish cooking
- Responsive News Images
- SocialCount a jQuery Plugin for Lighter Faster Social Networking Widgets Filament Group Inc Boston MA
- Wayfaircom - Online Home Store for Furniture Decor Outdoors More
- Weltevree Design products to support quality time
- YAMLrb is YAML for Ruby Cookbook
- A Practical Exercise in Web Scraping Pete Keen
- awfulrecruiterscom recruitersyml at master joewils awfulrecruiterscom GitHub
- Telegram Messenger
- Home HTML5 Intel Software
- Intel XDK Intel Software
- Local State is Poison Awelon Blue