October 2013
Oct 01, 2013- GitHub - savonrb savon Heavy metal SOAP client
- Login to BarraOne SOAP service using Ruby and Savon GitHub
- Savon Heavy metal SOAP client - Welcome
- Dashing - The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework
- GitHub - evolution genesis-wordpress Rapidly create develop deploy WordPress across multiple environments
- iPhone 5S Review Patagonia Austin Mann
- Full Screen Takedown Notice
- GitHub - JoshuaKGoldberg Old-Deleted-FullScreenMario An HTML5 remake of the original Super Mario Brothers - expanded for wide screens
- Microsoft Enterprise Disruptive innovation in technology solutions
- Pretty Diff - The difference tool
- Cheat sheet sparklemotion nokogiri Wiki GitHub
- Making iOS 7 squircles using CSS3
- Unsubscribe all LinkedIn email in one click
- GitHub - plataformatec devise Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
- GitHub - RailsApps rails-prelaunch-signup An example Rails 32 app for a web startup prelaunch site
- GitHub - RailsApps rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan Outdated See the rails-devise-pundit example app for Rails 41
- GitHub - ryanb cancan Authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails
- GitHub - underdogio recruiter-lint Lints recruiter emails
- Recruiter Lint
- Documentation - Prismic
- Edit fiddle - JSFiddle
- Headless API CMS for both developers and marketers - Prismic
- Prismic prismicio Twitter
- Responsive images without JavaScript
- Microsoft Azure Documentation Microsoft Docs
- Ruby Developer Center Microsoft Azure
- Icons Font Awesome
- AppJS
- GitHub - appjs appjs Deprecated SDK on top of nodejs to build desktop apps using HTML5 CSS JS
- GitHub - MacGapProject MacGap1 Desktop WebKit wrapper for HTML CSS JS applications
- GitHub - request request Simplified HTTP request client
- How To Use nodejs request and cheerio to Set Up Simple Web-Scraping DigitalOcean
- wscraper - npm
- Ionicons The premium icon font for Ionic Framework
- GitHub - vzaar note-to-recruiters An open source document for startups who need to deal with recruiters
- Lindsey Bieda Stupid Programmer Tricks and Star Wars Gifs