September 2013
Sep 01, 2013- PACE Automatic page load progress bars
- GitHub - elastic elasticsearch Open Source Distributed RESTful Search Engine
- Powering Data Search Log Analysis Analytics Elastic
- Genymotion Android Emulator Cloud-based Android virtual devices Develop - Automate your tests - Validate with confidence
- Register for Anonymous VPN Services PIA Services
- DRY your Rails CRUD with Simple Form and Inherited Resources Pete Keen
- GitHub - plataformatec simpleform Forms made easy for Rails Its tied to a simple DSL with no opinion on markup
- GitHub - Idered Editrjs HTML CSS and JavaScript playground
- Ace - The High Performance Code Editor for the Web
- GitHub - maroslaw rainydayjs Simulating raindrops falling on a window
- rainydayjs
- GitHub - yabwe medium-editor Mediumcom WYSIWYG editor clone Uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution
- Bento - Learn to code and be a self-taught expert developer
- Mozilla Labs TogetherJS
- BenutzerSchinken CSS-IE-Crash Hackerspace Bamberg - Backspace
- cocktailsforprogrammers cocktailsforprogramersmd at master cocktails-for-programmers cocktailsforprogrammers GitHub
- Excel and CSV Conversion to JSON and XML in JavaScript That Runs 100 on Github
- Geocomplete - jQuery Geocoding and Places Autocomplete Plugin
- GitHub - artberri sidr Sidr is a jQuery plugin for creating side menus and the easiest way for doing your menu responsive
- GitHub - audreyr favicon-cheat-sheet Obsessive cheat sheet to favicon sizes types Please contribute Note this may be in flux as I learn new things about favicon best practices
- GitHub - chrishunt git-pissed gitting pissed about your code
- GitHub - perwendel spark A simple expressive web framework for java News Spark now has a kotlin DSL https githubcom perwendel spark-kotlin
- HTML5 Live Video Streaming via WebSockets - PhobosLab
- Learn to Build Modern Web Apps with MEAN - Thinkster
- NodeSchool
- OpenGamma Financial Derivatives Analytics Derivatives Software
- Pablo Caro - Hermit a font for programmers by a programmer
- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Redirecting
- Responsive Design is Not About Screen Sizes Any More
- Sidr - Berriart
- Splash - Custom Event Website and Online Invitations
- Star Wars opening crawl from 1977
- SVGjs Home
- The Coral Content Distribution Network
- WiFi Pineapple - Home